.NET Core is Open Source and Cross-platform

Apple has launched a Open Source Swift programming language on December 2015. Now, Great Windows also came with Open Source .NET Core with Cross-platform.

You can develop .NET Core apps that can run on multiple OS. .NET Core runs on Windows. Ports are in progress for Linux, OS X and FreeBSD, as is integration with the LLVM compiler.

To get started with .NET Core as an open source project, Windows has launched a dedicated website for open source .NET Core dotnet.github.io. Developers can find everything they need to get started with .NET Core for their own projects, like technical documentation and links to the source code.

.NET Core has several key features that are attractive to developers, including automatic memory management and modern programming languages, that make easier to build high quality Applications. Multiple implementations of .NET are available, based on open .NET Standards that specify the fundamentals of the platform.

Why .NET Core Open Source?

  1. Free to use, distribute, and modify.
  2. More secured as the code is accessible to everyone.
  3. Not dependent on the company or author that originally released.


.NET Core platform projects use MIT or Apache 2 licenses for code.
Some of the projects license documentation and other forms of content under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0.

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